Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vacations :)

For my vacations, i really didn't have much time for myself or my friends since i had to go to intersession. But when I did go out with friends we either went to the beach and made a bonfire or went to the movies like every Sunday. I also made myself a rule to run 7 weeks of my vacations to get myself healthier. I wish i could have gone somewhere for my vacations but i had to stay for my studies but it was fun non the less :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Remember as a little kid having heros and looking up to them. It might have been a superhero from a comic book or even your parents or a really close friends. Most of us have forgotten our childhood hero's and probably don't even need them. Even reaching adult hood people still have hero's even me :) -firefighters!


What is love? Being there for each other days on end or giving each other stuff just because you care about them? Or maybe just telling them you love them because they mean that much to u, to me love is being there for each other no matter what happens. What's your opinion o.O

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Friends :)

How would the world be without friends? Imagine having no friends when you move to a new school, eventually people will start showing you around the school where your classes and in the process you have also made a friendship. If you went missing your friends would surely go out looking for you, i know my friends will :)  (i hope lol)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Be Enthusiastic

Being enthusiastic is always moving forward, doing what's right and mostly never giving up. If you try and try but fail still don't give up, keep trying till you succeed because if you don't have enthusiasm you will never try and give up before you even try at all.